Fitness & Exercise
Are you looking for ways to stay in shape while also having fun? Try out one of the fitness & exercise classes that the Center has to offer!
Enhance Fitness
Time and Date: Currently on hold until new instructor is found.
Location: Dining Room
Special Notes: There is a limit of 30 participants per class. This class is offered through Chesapeake College and follows their semester.
Fee: Currently no fee due to grant funding
We currently do not have a class taking place in the center but the MAC Center in Salisbury is streaming the Enhanced Fitness Class via Zoom.
Enhanced Fitness Forms: Morning Class
Enhanced Fitness Forms: Afternoon Class
Please note there are two (2) separate classes. The morning class is from 8:45 - 9:45 and the afternoon class is 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Both classes begin February 9, so please sign up as soon as possible. If you have questions or require assistance completing the application please feel free to contact Felicia Skinner at 410-742-0505 x 180 or Nancy Gompers at 410-742-0505 x131.
Time and Date: 1st and 3rd Friday of the month; 11am to 12pm
Location: Exercise Room 2
Instructor: Nathan
Fee: $8 per class
Gentle Yoga
Time and Date: Every Tuesday @ 8:30 am - 9:30 am
Location: Dining Room
Special Notes: Class put on through Chesapeake College
Instructor: Susan Clagget
Fee: $15 at start of semester
Exercise Room
Time and Date: The Exercise Room is open daily during the Center's regular hours of operation
Location: 1st Floor
Special Notes: Recumbent bikes, elliptical machines, treadmill, nautilus weight machines, and more.
Instructor: None
Fee: No fee as using the Exercise Room is currently a benefit of membership
Group Exercising
Enjoying a Fitness Class
Members in a T'ai Chi Class
Members Doing Chair Yoga